quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2014

Good Mothers love their children ✿

Uma boa mãe amamenta – por seis dias, seis semanas, seis meses, ou seis anos, porque sabe que é o melhor, porque é natural, porque tem apoio, porque pode e consegue, porque é mais fácil, porque na verdade ninguém tem nada a ver com isso.
Uma boa mãe dá suplemento raramente, ou dá de vez em quando ou dá sempre, porque tem que ser, porque não têm apoio à amamentação, porque tem apoio mas não consegue amamentar,  porque é mais fácil, porque a bomba não vai fazer o que é suposto , porque na verdade ninguém tem nada a ver com isso.
Uma boa mãe consome produtos biológicos porque pode, porque quer, porque tem canas de pesca, porque os filhos gostam e vão mesmo comê-los, porque não têm outra opção, ou talvez tenha.
Uma boa mãe trabalha fora de casa porque tem de ser, porque quer, porque gosta, porque quer ensinar aos filhos que a mulher tem um papel activo no mundo do trabalho, porque é a melhor escolha para a sua família.
Uma boa mãe fica em casa com os filhos porque tem de ser, porque quer, porque gosta, porque quer ensinar aos filhos que a maternidade pode ser um trabalho a tempo inteiro sem culpas nem desculpas, porque é a melhor escolha para a sua família.
Uma boa mãe faz bolinhos. Uma boa mãe não faz bolinhos. Uma boa mãe tenta fazer bolinhos e faz discos de hockey no gelo.
Uma boa mãe planta um jardim orgânico, e tem uma casa imaculada. Uma boa mãe planta-se na sala a dobrar meias, e tem pelo menos um desenho rabiscado na parede.
Uma boa mãe nunca grita com os filhos. Uma boa mãe grita com os filhos e de seguida pede desculpas por ter perdido a paciência. Uma boa mãe grita com os filhos e não pede desculpas, porque de vez em quando as crianças precisam de saber que passaram dos limites.
Uma boa mãe sabe quando precisa de descansar, e descansa.  Uma boa mãe sabe quando precisa de descansar mas nem sempre o pode fazer. Uma boa mãe nem sempre se apercebe que precisa de descansar, e depois dá consigo a fazer ou dizer coisas que todas as boas mães fazem e dizem quando estão cansadas demais para pensar e agir em condições.
Uma boa mãe vai a todas as festas da escola. Uma boa mãe às vezes não pode ir às festas da escola. Uma boa mãe tenta compensar quando não vai às festas da escola. 
Uma boa mãe toma conta dos seus filhos. Uma boa mãe por vezes não pode tomar conta dos seus filhos. Uma boa mãe pede ajuda. Uma boa mãe, às vezes não tem quem a ajude.
Uma boa mãe, por vezes, escolhe dar um filho, por mais que o seu coração morra para sempre, porque é a única solução que existe.
Uma boa mãe erra. Uma boa mãe ajuda outra mãe quando erra. Uma boa mãe, por vezes, não se lembra de ajudar outra mãe quando a vê errar.
Uma boa mãe perdoa.
Uma boa mãe preocupa-se.
Uma boa mãe tenta ser uma boa mãe.
Uma boa mãe ama os seus filhos.
Author: Annie Reneau
Good mothers love their children.
Good mothers breastfeed—for six days, six weeks, six months, or six years—because they know it’s “best,” because it’s natural, because they have support, because it works, because they made it work, because it’s easier, because it’s really nobody’s business why.
Good mothers formula-feed—rarely, occasionally, or always—because they have to, because they want to, because they didn’t have support breastfeeding, because they had support but still couldn’t breastfeed, because it’s familiar, because it’s easier, because the flippin’ pump won’t do what it’s supposed to, because it’s really nobody’s business why.
Good mothers feed their children organic food because they have the means, fish sticks because their kids will eat them, and whatever they can scrape together from the cupboards because they have no other option.
Good mothers work outside the home because they have to, because they want to, because they want their kids to know that women can participate fully in the working world, because it’s the best choice for their families.
Good mothers stay home with their children because they have to, because they want to, because they want their kids to know that women can call motherhood a full-time job without shame or apology, because it’s the best choice for their families.
Good mothers bake cookies. Good mothers don’t bake cookies. Good mothers try to bake cookies and bake hockey pucks instead.
Good mothers grow organic gardens and have spotless houses. Good mothers grow piles of laundry and have black thumbs.
Good mothers never yell at their children. Good mothers yell at their children and then apologize for losing their patience. Good mothers yell at their children and don’t apologize because occasionally kids need to know they’ve crossed a line, dammit.
Good mothers know when they need a break and take one. Good mothers know when they need a break, but can’t always take one. Good mothers don’t always know when they need a break, and then beat themselves up for saying or doing things all good mothers do when they need a break and don’t get one.
Good mothers show up. Good mothers sometimes can’t show up. Good mothers try to make up for not showing up.
Good mothers take care of their children. Good mothers sometimes can’t take care of their children. Good mothers ask for help. Good mothers sometimes don’t have help. Good mothers sometimes make the heartbreaking choice giving up their children because that’s the only way can see to take care of them.
Good mothers make mistakes. Good mothers support other mothers when they make mistakes.
Good mothers forget to support other mothers when they make mistakes.
Good mothers forgive each other.
Good mothers care about each other.
Good mothers care about being a good mother.
Good mothers love their children.
Author: Annie Reneau

A Job Description for Motherhood ✿

"I often say that I wish there was a hormone that was released into your body ONLY when you were mentally/emotionally capable of having a child. I'm not entirely certain that *I* would have released said hormone, but I'd like to think I am one step closer than some people I've witnessed popping out kids left and right.
Since I'm not the creator of all man-kind, I didn't get my say in how this all goes down. Bummer.
In another approach to reconstruct how this whole Motherhood gig shouldwork, I have decided to create a job description. That way people can read it, mull it over, and then make an educated decision whether or not they possess the qualities that are necessary to get the job done.
Only serious candidates will be considered.
Job Profile and Description for a Mother
A mother is a professional ass wiper, that works in the division of child and home care. She might also have to take care of her partner within the household, depending on how the team has been structured. The main role is to tend to the needs of all parties in the division, in a timely, organized, and patient fashion, before attending to her own needs.
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Grocery Shopping- This task may include hauling around multiple children, trying to find a way to properly restrain them so that food can actually be positioned within the cart. This needs to occur while keeping them from running amok and ripping things off the shelves at their leisure. Bonus if you can juggle all this while managing to purchaseevery.single.item on your list and remaining within the family budget. 
  • Meal Preparation and clean up-One must be fully skilled in prepping meals consisting of food you will not consume and cleaning up messes you didn't make. You will also be responsible for fetching snacks and drinks every 15-37 minutes, as demanded. You can use your discretion as to what these snacks will entail, but be fully prepared for backlash when suggesting a string cheese substitution for a package of fruit snacks.
  • Making Children Presentable- Duties include, but are not limited to: Bathing and lotion application on parties that can only be described as similar to a greased pig on crackGrooming: while being verbally assaulted for your brushing technique and inability to trim finger and toenails in one clip. Outfit selection: Without WW3-style ramifications and preferably matching and not ill-fitting.
  • Entertainment- This is at your discretion, but it is preferable that it does not include multiple hours of electronic devices. I am not well versed in how to execute this, so I advise that you consult Pinterest.com for a more detailed performance plan. My clients are currently watching 'Homeward Bound' for the 999th time, since Sunday.
Skills and Specifications
  • Must be able to perform under pressure, in the form of demanding clients and possible encounters with bodily fluids. 
  • Must be able to adhere to deadlines. Examples include: feeding, grooming, dressing, and making it out the door and to a specified location safely and on time. This will be a daily occurrence, during the months of Sept-June, anything you add to the schedule in the "off" months is entirely at your own risk.
  • Should be a strong communicator and posses the ability to shoot down unruly demands by multiple parties of the household in a calm and rational way. For example: A correct response for " I WAAAANNNTT A SNAAAACKKKK RIGHT NOOWWWWWW"  should be "No, we will be eating dinner shortly". Responses such as "I'm going to pack my bags and book a one-way ticket to Yemen" are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Must be confident that she isn't fucking her kids up. If you do not exhibit the confidence we are looking for, you must be able to fake it til you make it.
  • Should be detail oriented with all tasks except sock matching, it's humanly impossible and doesn't reflect a woman's ability to child rear.
  • Must be proactive. Ex: If you grab the 2nd to last diaper, be sure to restock before the entire supply is diminished.
  • Must be reactive. Ex: Having the ninja like reflexes to catch vomit in an approved receptical and/or hands.
Education and Qualifications
Must have access to the internet and the ability to Google. Candidates also need to be ready, willing, and able to teach basic functions such as: walking, self feeding, potty training, self dressing, teeth brushing, speaking, spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, practicing patience, rule following, self awareness, ability to eat in a public establishment, compassion, empathy, manners, being in tune with one's emotions, keeping hands to one's self, bike riding, shoe tying, good listening, etc.
NOTE: These are not in any particular order and are only a small sampling of the needs of our clients. This list is ever changing and we need our team to be flexible enough to adjust to our client's needs on a minute by minute basis.
If this seems like something you can handle please submit your applicationfor review. Thank you." 
The Tot Wrangling Team 

sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Cada dia é uma aventura... Uma aventura que nos proporciona momentos únicos... ❤

Cada dia é uma aventura... Uma aventura que nos proporciona momentos únicos...

Acordares com um sorriso na cara enquanto eu e o Papá te dizemos 'Bom dia Princesa' já faz com que o nosso dia seja perfeito. Ver a felicidade no teu olhar, a alegria e boa disposição que nos transmites, basta olhar para ti que vemos que és uma bebé cheia de amor, cheia de carinho.... 

O teu sorriso, o teu cheirinho, o teu olhar único, o teu palrar, o teu toque, as tuas gargalhadas e até mesmo o teu choro, tudo em ti consegue ser mais que perfeito, tudo em ti consegue ser único, consegues arrancar-nos um sorriso em segundos, consegues fazer com que nos babemos completamente, consegues fazer com que o nosso dia seja perfeito.
Como é possível um amor tão grande? 

É mágico, pura magia!

Não existem palavras para descrever, é um sentimento enorme que cresce a cada segundo... 

sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014

Look 1: 18ABRIL2014 ❤

Little Princess 
2 Month, 3 Weeks 
❤ 18 ABRIL 

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2014

O trabalho mais dificil do Mundo ❤

Mas é sem dúvida um trabalho maravilhoso, que nos proporciona momentos únicos, momentos cheios de amor, momentos que preenchem a nossa vida os nossos corações